2025年2月2日 星期日

感動 2025 Paris Mon Amour 名照相家的巴黎選 回憶錄 Eye to I: The Autobiography of a Photographer. Thames and Hudson, 1999

泰晤士河與哈德遜河,1999 年 - 384 頁
艾爾文布魯門菲爾德是本世紀最著名的攝影師之一,他的自傳時而尖刻,時而自嘲,時而俏皮,甚至荒謬,是一部引人入勝、精湛的非凡人物記述。他的所有對象——他的猶太家庭、德國人、維希法國人、他的模特兒、紐約出版商——都受到了同等程度的機智、嘲弄和無情的諷刺。他最不顧惜自己。布魯門菲爾德出生於世紀之交的柏林,他被徵召參加第一次世界大戰,先是擔任救護車司機(雖然他不會開車),後來成為戰地妓院的簿記員。在兩次世界大戰之間,他成為了先鋒派圈子的一員,其中還包括喬治·格羅茲 (George Grosz) 等藝術家以及達達運動的成員。在第二次世界大戰期間,布魯門菲爾德被關押在法國的一系列集中營,但最終抵達紐約,在那裡他為《Vogue》和《Harper's Bazaar》找到工作,拍攝了一些最令人難忘的封面,並成為時尚界收入最高的攝影師。布魯門菲爾德曾拍攝過一些史上最引人注目、最具影響力的照片,他的自傳是對這個世紀的一種尖銳而反傳統的詮釋。這是一個扣人心弦、充滿洞察力的非凡人生故事。

書名 Eye to I: 攝影師的自傳
作者 Erwin Blumenfeld
譯者 Mike Mitchell, Brian Murdoch
出版者 Thames and Hudson, 1999
ISBN 050001907X, 9780500019078
頁數 384 頁

Paris Mon Amour

Taschen, 2004 - 239 頁
At once a cosmopolitan metropolis, venue for a pensive stroll, and emblem of the modern, Paris has been a source of inspiration for countless artists and writers down through the ages. But not least it is the home and constant muse of a relatively young art: photography. Since the earliest days of the daguerreotype right up to our time, renowned photographers such as Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, and Jeanloup Sieff have lived and worked in the city of lights. Over the years a love affair developed between Paris and photography, giving rise to a remarkable record of the metropolis and a telling history of a new art form. This volume takes the reader on numerous walks, camera in hand, through the streets of Paris. Atmospheric black-and-white photos, shot by great photographers over two centuries, reveal the dramatic and the tranquil, the historic and the everyday--in the capital's parks and gardens, boulevards and backstreets, passages and arcades, bistros and nightclubs.
« 較少

關於作者 (2004)

The author:
Jean Claude Gautrand, born in 1932, is one of France’s most distinguished experts on photography. An active photographer since 1960, he has also made a name for himself as a historian, journalist and critic, with numerous publications. He is the author of the TASCHEN books Paris mon amour (1999), Doisneau (2003), Brassaï (2004) and Ronis (2005).


Eye to I: The Autobiography of a Photographer

Erwin Blumenfeld
Thames and Hudson, 1999 - 384 頁
By turns acerbic, self-mocking, playful, even absurd, the autobiography of Erwin Blumenfeld, one of the century’s best-known photographers, is a compelling, virtuoso account of an extraordinary man. All his subjects - his Jewish family, the Germans, the Vichy French, his models, New York publishers - are dealt equal measures of wit, mockery and merciless irony. He spares himself least of all. Born in turn-of-the-century Berlin, Blumenfeld was drafted in to serve in the First World War, first as an ambulance driver (although he couldn’t drive), and then as a book-keeper at a field brothel. Between the wars he became part of an avant-garde circle that included such artists as George Grosz, and members of the Dada movement. During the Second World War, Blumenfeld was interned in a series of French camps, but eventually arrived in New York, where he found work with Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, producing some of their most memorable covers and becoming fashion’s highest-paid photographer. By the creator of some of the most striking and influential photographs ever taken, Blumenfeld’s autobiography is a biting and iconoclastic take on the century. Gripping and full of insight, it is the story of an exceptional life.« 較少


書名 Eye to I: The Autobiography of a Photographer
作者 Erwin Blumenfeld
譯者 Mike Mitchell, Brian Murdoch
版本 圖解
出版者 Thames and Hudson, 1999
ISBN 050001907X, 9780500019078
頁數 384 頁

